Baseball joke! Okay, moving on. Seriously, the biggest difference between ideas that are funded and ideas that aren’t is the pitch. And no pitch can exist if it doesn’t have a narrative and a professional design. I can help with both.
Ready to take your Pitch to the next level? Email me at nuferdan@gmail.com
Just Redesign It
Unless you have a storyteller on your team, I’d suggest having me take a crack at the narrative as well. But if you feel good about the flow of your and that it gets the point across, I charge $100 for up to 20 pages to redesign your pitch deck.
Help Me Tell My Story
Pitches need a story. That doesn’t mean starting with “Once Upon a Time” and ending with “Happily Ever After” but it does mean following traditional narrative devices to get your point across. This is my specialty so I’d be happy to help out for about $500/pitch.